The Helsinki Chemicals Forum returns with In-Person 2-day event on top issues for the EU Green Deal

Jun. 8th, 2022


May 10, 2022. After two years where the covid-19 dominated the headlines both across the East and West, with global environmental, climate change and sustainability priorities trying to reconcile with a day-to-day changing reality, and a complete shift from in-person to full-virtual mode, Helsinki is now ready to once more open its doors to the professional community working on sustainable chemical strategies.

The Helsinki Chemicals Forum (HCF), a partner of REACH24H over the past two years through our CRAC-HCF 2020 Joint Forum and CRCA-HCF 2021 Joint Hybrid Forum, will hold its 2022 Forum this coming June 8-9, 2022 in the city of Helsinki, Finland.

The Helsinki Chemicals Forum 2022, once more led by former Head of ECHA Mr. Geert Dancet as Secretary General, will be a hybrid event, available to those in Asia and other regions virtually, as well as in person. Featured will be topics that are currently top on the EU’s chemicals strategy for sustainability towards a toxic-free environment and high priorities for the industry, regulators and professionals within and outside of the EU aiming to make sense of current regulations and take a look at what´s to come in the sphere of chemicals and sustainability.

The HCF 2022 core Programme will feature:

  • Keynotes from Kristin Schreiber, Director at the European Commission and Peter van der Zandt, Director at ECHA (European Chemicals Agency)
  • Five topical panels, moderated by European Commission, CEFIC, OECD, UNEP and Chemical Watch on
    • Stimulating Safe and Sustainable by Design substances to replace substances of concern,
    • 3Cs concept: Chemicals safety, Circularity and Climate and the challenges of integration,
    • Accelerating the replacement of animal toxicity testing,
    • The interface for the sound management of chemicals and waste, and
    • Accelerating chemical regulations (GRA, grouping of chemicals, Essential Use concept)

Online registrants will be able to enjoy these keynotes and debates taking place live on Wednesday and Thursday, June 8-9 between 1 and 6 pm EET, later available on-demand.

In addition, those joining the live conference will be invited to the Green Economy Business Summit (full programme here), a networking reception and a tour at ChemBio Finland exhibition, and a visit to the Helsinki City Hall with a Dinner reception.

ChemLinked and REACH24H will be sure to join, supporting HCF through our journalists. Look forward to meeting you all in person!


Contact Us:


Independent Journalist for REACH24H & ChemLinked: Julia Pochat (contact here)
