Decoding Gen Z: Influencing the Future of Food and Beauty

Dec. 14th, 2023

Sophia Marc Nimb Lassen



Gen Z, typically referring to individuals born between the late 1990s and the early 2010s, is the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital age, surrounded by advanced technology, social media, and instant connectivity. Due to its significant population and considerable purchasing power, this generation has emerged as the most influential consumer group in the current market landscape. They are not only consuming products but also reshaping industries with their distinctive values and behaviors. Therefore, understanding the characteristics of Gen Z and their influence on dynamic industries is of significant importance for enterprises worldwide.

In this case, ChemLinked invited the Gen Z trend expert to deliver a webinar offering an authentic look into the defining traits of Gen Z and their impacts on the cosmetic and food sectors, from their redefined beauty and wellness standards to the innovative culinary trends they champion. An analysis of the unique characteristics and behaviors of Gen Z in China will also be included. By doing so, the webinar hopes to offer cosmetic and food enterprises the foresight needed to stay ahead in the increasingly competitive market.


Please feel free to send us questions before, during or after the webinar;

The presentation deck and recording video will be uploaded to this webpage after the webinar;

If you can’t attend the live webinar, register anyway and we will send you the webinar materials as soon as they’re available.


1. Global Overview of Gen Z Consumers

2. Gen Z’s Redefinition of Beauty and Wellness

3. Emerging Food Trends Influenced by Gen Z

4. Marketing to Gen Z: Effective Strategies in Food and Cosmetics

5. Gen Z in China: A Distinctive Market Perspective

6. Case Studies: Successes in Engaging Gen Z

7. Predicting the Future: Gen Z’s Continuing Influence

8. Interactive Q&A Session

*The final outline may be subjected to subtle revisions.


Date Time (GMT+8) World Clock Language
2023-12-14 17:00 ~ 18:00 London: 9:00-10:00 am

New York: 4:00-5:00 am



Sophia Marc Nimb Lassen

Gen Z Expert & Founder ZO Communication

Sophia Marc Nimb Lassen, the founder of ZO Communication, is a renowned Gen Z specialist. Her dedication is in understanding and navigating the world of Generation Z in the lifestyle sector. Sophia works with retailers and beauty companies, drawing from her background in Luxury Brand Management, to bring a fresh perspective to engaging with the generation of the future.

Contact REACH24H

If you have any questions regarding this webinar, please feel free to contact us.

Tel: +86 400 809 5809

