Overview of Cosmetic Notification Regulations in the EU, UK, US, and Canada

Dec. 18th, 2023

Tadej Feregotto, Tjaša Grum



In the EU and UK, cosmetic products are required to undergo a notification process before being placed on the market. In the US, the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act (MoCRA) mandates that companies complete product listing by July 1, 2024. Additionally, in Canada, cosmetic products must be notified to Health Canada within 10 days of their market introduction. Product notification is thus a crucial requirement for launching products in these regions.

To assist businesses in navigating this process, ChemLinked organized this webinar featuring Tadej and Tjaša from CE.way. The webinar is going to present what companies need to do to be able to sell their cosmetic products in the EU, UK, US and Canada. For each market, it will clarify notification procedures, including who and when to conduct them, while also providing an overview of the necessary documents and tests for each market.


  • Please feel free to send us questions before, during or after the webinar;
  • If you can’t attend the live webinar, register anyway and we will send you the webinar materials as soon as they’re available.


1. Regulatory Background

  • An overview of cosmetic notification regulations in the EU, UK, US and Canada

2. Regulatory Requirements for Cosmetic Notification in the EU, UK, US and Canada

  • Company obligations
  • Notification procedures
  • Required documents and testing

3. Practical Advice for Companies to Ensure Compliance During the Notification Process.

4. Q&A

*The final outline may be subjected to subtle revision.


Date Time (GMT+8) World Clock Language
2023-12-18 21:30 ~ 22:30 London: 13:30-14:30

New York: 8:30-9:30



Jarius Ji


Tadej is an MBA graduate and an EU and UK cosmetics regulation expert. He founded CE.way more than ten years ago and has been consulting cosmetics manufacturers on how to get their products EU/UK compliant ever since. He also published a number of articles and is a keynote speaker at various events in the US, Spain, Germany, Taiwan, Korea, Russia etc.

Tjaša Grum

Regulatory Consultant

Tjaša Grum holds a bachelor’s degree in Cosmetic Science and a master’s degree in Biochemistry. She has been working as a regulatory consultant at CE.way Regulatory Consultants Ltd. for almost four years, helping clients register their cosmetic products in the EU, UK, Canada, and the USA. She is also a safety assessor for cosmetic products and writes articles for various cosmetic journals.

Contact REACH24H

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Email: customer@www.accessster.net
