China Hazardous Chemical Registration


In order to strengthen safety management of hazardous chemicals, to standardize the registration of hazardous chemicals and to provide technical and administrative support for emergency procedures and for the prevention of hazardous chemicals accidents, the Measures for Administration of Hazardous Chemicals Registration (hereinafter referred to as the “SAWS Order 53”) was formulated according to the ‘Regulations on the Control over Safety of Hazardous Chemicals (Decree No.591).

The SAWS Order 53 establishes a powerful database of hazardous chemicals by adopting the internationally accepted registration system on hazardous chemicals, and provides technical and informative support for management of hazardous chemicals, accident prevention and emergency response.

Note:The State Administration of Work Safety has been repealed and replaced by the Ministry of Emergency Management.

Competent Authority

The registration of hazardous chemicals is a mandatory requirement in the Chinese mainland. The registration of hazardous chemicals involves an application that is reviewed by two agencies in charge of the registration work:

•  National Registration Center for Chemicals(NRCC )

•  Local Registration Office at Provincial Level

Affected Companies

Domestic Manufactures (prior to the final acceptance of a newly-built chemical plant)

Domestic Importers (prior to any importing activities)

Foreign Exporters are exempted from registration and there is no “OR” (Only Representative) concept under the SAWS Order 53

Solutions for foreign exporters:

They can resort to Chinese importers or appoint a reliable agency to provide technical support for CN importers

Scope of Registration

•  Chemicals listed on the Catalog of Hazardous Chemicals (2015)

•  Chemicals that meet the determinative principle proposed by the Catalog of Hazardous Chemicals (2015)

Note:Both substances and mixtures are subject to registration.

Information Required for Registration

• Classification and labelling information

• Physicochemical properties of hazardous chemicals

• Main uses, including recommended uses, restricted uses and forbidden uses;

•  Hazardous properties

• Conditions for safe storage, use and transport

• Emergency response measures

Materials Submitted for Registration

•  Hazardous Chemical Registration Form (duplicate copies)

•  Manufacturers: Industry And Commerce Business License

Importers: copy of the Record Registration Form of Foreign Trade Operator, Import and Export Enterprise Qualification Certificate, Foreign-invested Enterprise Approval Certificate, or Approval Certificate for Company with Investment by Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Residents and Chinese Expatriates

•  Safety Data Sheet and label for the manufactured/imported hazardous chemicals

•  Emergency response phone number

•  Product standards of the hazardous chemicals

Procedure of Registration

Registration Flow

Registration-Related Obligations for Registering Companies

Registration time • Enterprises manufacturing/importing hazardous chemicals (HCs) shall complete registration prior to the formal commencement of manufacturing/the first import of HCs

• Renew registration certificate 3 months prior to expiration

• Apply for cancellation of registration certificate 3 months before termination of production

Registration for one same variety of hazardous chemical product • Companies which both manufacture and import the same variety of HCs shall register as manufacturers

• Importers which import the same HCs from different suppliers shall register the firstly imported chemicals, and at the same time provide the information of HCs from each supplier

• For repeated import of the same HCs produced by the same manufacturer, only one-time registration is required

Building an archive management system for hazardous chemicals A registering company shall

• Arrange a general inspection of all the HCs on the company’s premises

• Establish an archive management system for all its hazardous chemical products

Responsible and qualified employees for the registration The person responsible for the registration shall have

• Corresponding knowledge and capacity of HCs registration

• Capacity to cooperate with registration authorities to verify the registration contents

Hazard identification for chemicals with uncertain hazard properties An agency certified by the State should be appointed to conduct the hazard identification. If the chemical is identified as a HC, it should be registered according to the SAWS Order 53.
Emergency response phone number • The registering manufacturer should provide a 24-hour emergency response phone number or authorize a qualified authority for emergency response services

• The registering importer can establish their own fixed-line emergency phone number, and entrust one of their import agent or a qualified registration authority with 24-hour emergency response services

Chemical information required for registration • Classification and labeling information about the HCs

• Physical and chemical properties of the HCs

• Main uses (legitimate uses, forbidden uses and restricted uses)

• Hazardous properties

• Safety requirement of transport, storage and utilization of HCs

• Emergency measures for hazardous situation

Application materials required for registration • Hazardous chemical registration form

• For manufactures, industry and commerce business license is required; for importers, more specified material are required

• SDS and the precautionary label

• Emergency phone number

• Product standards of the HCs

Our Services

•  Search the Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals

Search Online

•  Assistance in Hazard Identification

For hazardous chemicals with unidentified hazards, REACH24H can contact accredited testing institutions to arrange tests for physical hazard identification.

•  Support Chinese importers/agencies in hazardous chemical registration

•  Preparation and update of China GHS compliance SDS/label

•  24-hour Emergency Phone Number

•  Protect confidential business information
