Chinese Supplier Chain Management


Globalization has stretched the supply chains of multinationals and big companies more than ever. As we can see in recent years, the long and complex supply chains are almost inevitably subject to disruption, whether due to natural disasters or to political upheavals. As one of the biggest and most important economies on the planet, China is a place that the supply chains of multinationals can hardly keep away from. However, the active lawmaking actions and severe enforcement measures in respect of environmental protection and production safety in China have added more uncertainties at least, if not risks, to the global supply chain of almost every industry. So the supply chain risk management in China has become more and more important for multinationals.

With rich experience and professional expertise in EHS (environmental, health, safety) and PS (product stewardship) compliance, REACH24H could help companies identify and tackle the supply chain management problems in China from the aspects of both compliance and practical risks in order to ensure the business continuity.

Our Services

• Regulations and Policies Research

REACH24H helps clients establish and maintain databases of regulations and policies that affect them. The databases are updated regularly. REACH24H not only interprets how the important changes impact the clients’ business but also forecasts the emerging regulatory issues so that the clients can keep track of the regulatory status-quo and future trends easily and efficiently.

• Customized Compliance Report

REACH24H provides customer-tailored EHS and PS compliance reports on subjects that the clients have interest in. The reports are flexible in forms and contents, including the comprehensive analysis of impacts from certain policies on specific industries, and professional advice on compliance practices in regards to specific links of the supply chain.

• On-site Audit

REACH24H conducts on-site EHS compliance audits for clients’ own plants and suppliers. The audit scope covers the environmental management, production safety, chemicals management, storage and transport of hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods, the treatment of hazardous waste, etc. The on-site audits could help clients identify the practical problems in the supply chain and avoid disruption caused by law enforcement actions.
