China New Food Additive Registration

New Food Additives Include

1.The varieties of food additives that have not been listed in Food Safety National Standard (GB 2760)

2.The varieties of food additives that have not been listed in the inventory announced by NHC

3.The varieties of food additives with extended application scope or amount of usage


According to China’s Food Safety Law, to produce or import new food additives, the manufacturer/importer should submit safety assessment materials of the intended product to the NHFPC for review. For applications that comply with food safety requirements, a license shall be approved and publicly announced. Otherwise, reasons for disapproval will be given in written notice.

Administrative Department

National Health Commission of China (NHC)

Relevant Regulations

• Measures for the Administration of New Varieties of Food Additives

• Provisions on the Declaration and Acceptance of Food Additives

• Food Safety National Standards for Uses of Food Additive

• Food Safety National Standards for Uses of Nutritional Fortification Substances in Foods

Our Services

Regulatory Consultation 

Communication via internet, telephone and face-to-face

Main content:

•  Registration procedure of new food additives

•  Toxicological requirements of registration

•  Registration strategies for new food additives

•  Customized consultation and training

Identifi­cation of New Food Additives

Decide whether it is a new food additive


Main content:

•  Search China Database of food additives in EU/US/JP/AUS/CA

•  Communication with experts and authorities

Extension of Scope/Volume of Use

Extend the scope or volume of use for existing food additives


Main content:

•  Preliminary evaluation: feasibility, timeline and cost

•  Dossier preparation and submission

•  Communication with experts and competent authorities

New Food Additives Registration

Get administrative approval for new food additives


Main content:

•  Preliminary evaluation: feasibility, timeline and cost

•  Dossier preparation and submission

•  Test monitoring for registration

•  Communication with experts and competent authorities
