China Prepackaged Food Regulatory Compliance Service

Food Importation Compliance Procedure

According to China’s Food Safety Law, imported foods shall comply with the national food safety standards of China. As required by law, food entering and exiting the country must pass inspection by quarantine agencies (local customs) and obtain safety inspection certificate.

Relevant Regulations

• The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection

• Implementation of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection

• Measures for the Safety Administration of Imported and Exported Food

• The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the entry and exit animal and plant quarantine

• Implementation of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the entry and exit animal and plant quarantine

• Provisions on the Administration of Registration of Overseas Manufacturers of Imported Foods

Administrative Department

Import inspection – GACC and Local customs Circulation and catering- SAMR and local food safety supervision departments

Our Services

Regulatory Consultation

Communication via email, telephone call or face-to-face

Main content:

•  Preliminary analysis on feasibility of importation

•  Requirements of the food import regulations and procedure of regulatory compliance

•  Introduction of Customs clearance and inspection procedure

• Other food related regulatory consultation

Ingredients Compliance Review

Check whether product (ingredients and additives) comply with Chinese regulations

Main content:

• Confirm with client whether the product can be imported and if so, identify relevant GB standard

•  Review ingredients to identify their compliance status

•  Give suggestions on formula compliancy revision

Chinese Label Review and Design

Check if the Chinese label complies with Chinese regulations

Main content:

•  Review and revise formula

•  Review and revise Chinese label

•  Design compliant Chinese label

Customs Clearance Assistance

Prepare all required materials and qualification documents

Main content:

•  GB compliance test monitoring

•  HS code identification
